We build authentic brands through three integrated diciplines

We create authentic and purposeful brands that act consistently across all touchpoints. Our interdisciplinary approach guarantees an integrated brand working from three perspectives: Culture, design and communication.

Cultural change and strategy development

By defining your purpose, we create a meaningful business and brand strategy. Through anthropological methods we analyze your potentials from internal and customer perspectives. We implement changes that help the organization live the brand and integrate new behavior in everyday business.

Designing your visual and digital brand

We create a visual image that expresses your strengths and shape the perception of your company. We develop and design every touchpoint to express your identity and engage your audience in your brand experience. We ensure consistency across all your platforms and situations.

Communicating your brand creatively

We build your brand image by communicating strategically across digital and physical platforms. Telling the stories that show who you are and what your purpose is, makes your brand stand out in the market. We plan and execute your media and campaign efforts in a way that is both authentic and creative.


Cultural Change and Strategy

  • Business potential and customer preference research
  • Analysis of image perception and market potentials
  • Corporate strategy and purpose development
  • Core narrative, vision and value formulation
  • Naming process, positioning strategy and surveys
  • Strategy implementation, training and change program


  • Corporate visual identity – logo, typography and design guide
  • Service design, customer journey and user experience design  
  • Website, e-commerce and mobile interaction
  • Design of magazines, books, annual reports and brochures
  • Spacial design, wayfinding, signs and exhibition design


  • Communication strategy – messaging, content and media
  • Cross channel communications, marketing and social campaigns
  • Video, animation, photography and motion graphics
  • Press and media relations, editorial and storytelling
  • Branded events, exhibitions and conferences

Build your brand with our five step process​

Culture L

We dive deep to find your strengths and potentials

We believe your company holds more potential than what appears at first sight. That's why we map the inherent strengths of your organization before we define a new strategy. Through ethnographic fieldwork and anthropological methods, we analyze and define internal cultural characteristics, user behaviors, and customer preferences.

Benefits of understanding your culture and identity

  • Develop a strategy that is authentic to your company
  • Build an authentic brand with roots in organizational potentials
  • Get valuable inspiration for purpose formulation
  • Understand user behavior and customer needs
  • Identify new market potentials for your business
Strategy L

We develop strategy and purpose through scenario exploration

Based on the inherent strengths and potentials of your company, we develop strategy scenarios containing different possibilities, initiatives and advantages. Through workshops that involve your organization and users, we help you decide on a future direction for your business and define your strategy, purpose, core narrative, vision and mission.

Benefits of our strategy processes

  • Assess future business potentials
  • Prepare your organization for change and real-life implementation
  • Differentiate your business from competitors
  • Understand and establish your ideal market position
  • Define a shared direction and what it means for everyone
Change L

We help you transform the organization

Through structural changes, brand schools and corporate academies we enable your organization and management to live the brand in everyday life. We help you transform your strategy and conceptual brand values into actual behavior, products and services.

Benefits of working with brand transformation

  • Establish a culture where every moment expresses the brand
  • Create excellent customer experiences on all touchpoints
  • Practice your brand and purpose as the core of your services
  • Encourage the desired behavior from employees
  • Strengthen leadership and decision-making through brand values
Design L

We help you design your brand

Based on a deep understanding of your strategy and identity, we translate business advantages into a corporate visual identity and digital design. We help you express both the tangible and emotional benefits of your brand and communicate your messages intuitively through graphics, images, spacial design and digital user experiences.

Benefits of design that reflect your brand on all touchpoints

  • Express your purpose visually to attract your audience
  • Intrigue your customers with an appealing and creative visual image
  • Secure recognition with distinct and coherent design across touchpoints
  • Get customer transactions through engaging digital brand universe
  • Create emotional belonging and identification with your brand
Communication L

We help you communicate who you are

We translate your business and brand strategy into creative communication across all platforms and media. We conceptualize and execute communication initiatives through campaigns, press, events and social media. Or we help build entirely new websites and apps tailored to connect your business with customer needs. Our process ensures the essence of who you are becomes relevant and appealing to your audience.

Benefits of communicating the brand

  • Define strategic ways of reaching your audience effectively
  • Attract customers, followers and fans through creative campaigns
  • Raise attention and increase awareness of your brand
  • Differentiate from your competition through distinct messaging
  • Create internal pride through a strong brand and positive image
1 Culture
2 Strategy
3 Change
4 Design
5 Communication